never mind

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:



ei se mitään, ei sillä ole väliä (&lit)
puhekieltä It is not important; do not fret; (non-gloss definition).

Im afraid I’ve broken your mug. — Never mind, it was old and I was going to throw it away.''

Did you fall over and hurt your knee? Never mind, I’ll put a bandage on it.

puhekieltä Do not be concerned (about someone or something, or about doing something).

Never mind about me — you go and I’ll join you later.

''Here’s some money for you. Never mind about paying me back; you can keep it.

puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)

Youre a fool. — What did you call me? — Never mind.''

puhekieltä let alone|Let alone; much less.

They wouldnt go near that place, never mind spending an entire day there.''

never mindEnglish|Never mind.


  • "WASHING MAHINES WITH TRANSPARTENT LID AROUSE SINFUL THOUGHTS! As lingerie rotates around the washing machine, if you watch it, it arouses sexual thoughts in your mind!"

  • "Johnson, the North Koreans are clearly insane. Not just the army, but the civilians also. Nuke the country, but mind the south border. (Suom: Johnson, pohjois-korealaiset ovat selvästi hulluja. Ei vain armeija, vaan myös kansalaiset. Pommita koko maa, mutta varo etelärajaa.")"

  • "Tulella kulta koetellaan, ihmismieli vastoinkäymisillä." "


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